
I know that you’re always looking for educational resources for your kids, whether they are STEM-related or not. Many options are available, but useful, high-quality ones can be hard to find. Here are a variety of resources that I’ve come across that you might find helpful.

DIY Electronics Stores

Adafruit: DIY electronics and kits and open-source hardware and tutorials

Maker Shed: The online store of Make: magazine and Maker Faire

Sparkfun: Over 2,000 open-source components and widgets plus online tutorials

Hackathons for Teens

Blueprint: Free learnathon and hackathon for local high school students held at MIT

CodeDay: Worldwide events where students get together and build apps & games

Devpost: Find hackathons, explore projects, and host hackathons on the platform

Hack Club: List of high school hackathons in the US & worldwide

Major League Hacking (MLH): Student hackathon league powering over 200 events

College Prep

Collegewise: Nation’s largest college counseling organization

Gap Year Solutions: Gap year consulting services

Strategic Academic Success: STEM prep courses and seminars in MA, CT, and remote

STEM Programs and Organizations for Girls & Women

Black Girls Code: Teaches girls about computer programming and digital technology

Girls in Tech: Educates and empowers girls and women passionate about technology

Girls Who Code: Free coding programs for girls in grades 3-12 & college-aged women

Lesbians Who Tech: Community of queer women in tech and the people who love them

MakerGirl: Girls ages 7-10 learn how to design and print 3D objects

National Girls Collaborative Project is a network of networks supporting girls in STEM

NCWIT Aspirations in Computing: Community for high school & college women in tech

SWENext: Society of Women Engineers membership for students aged 13-18

Syracuse University: STEM career resources for students, educators & parents

TechGirlz: Free workshops to get girls interested in different kinds of technology

Technovation Challenge: Girls create mobile apps to solve community problems

Women in Cybersecurity: Community for aspiring women cybersecurity professionals

Women in Tech Summit: Events to inspire, educate, & connect women in tech careers

Startup and Tech Jobs in Massachusetts

Wellfound: Where startups and job seekers connect

Built In: Find startup jobs, tech news, and events

Venture Fizz: Search tech industry jobs & companies in Boston, NYC, or remote

STEM Podcasts and Videos for Kids

Brains On!: A science podcast for curious kids

But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids: A show led by kids who submit their questions

I Can Be What?!:  YouTube series giving kids a sneak peek into STEAM careers

The Paper Girls Show: Animated videos and educational programming promoting STEM, mental well-being, and growth mindset.

Tumble: Stories about science discoveries, with the help of scientists

Wow in the World: Stories about science, technology, and innovation

Tutoring and Coaching

Beyond BookSmart: Executive function coaching for students

GoPeer: Connects qualified college undergraduate tutors with K-12 students

Educator Resources

SmartLab Learning: STEM-focused project-based learning environments & experiences

CSforALL: Central resource for K-12 computer science education

CS Unplugged: Free computer science teaching materials using hands-on games and puzzles

CYBER.ORG: Free K-12 cyber education program with age-appropriate content

Eduporium: Custom tech bundles for teachers and libraries, with activities & live workshops

Farm Sanctuary: Free curriculums on farm animals, sanctuary & our food system

Journal of Emerging Investigators: Science journal & mentorship for student researchers

Junior Scientist Maker Program: Interdisciplinary approach to teaching of the scientific method

MATHCOUNTS: Fun, challenging math programs for middle school students

MIT Edgerton Center: Free makerspace resources for K-12 educators

NVIDIA: A hub of resources & news for AI and robotics educators

OpenSciEd: High-quality free science education materials

ROBOTIS: K-12 robotics kits including an open source, 3D printable, humanoid robot

Ward’s Science Grants Services: Free resource for finding and writing STEM grants

Tinkercad: Free, easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, and coding

Vidcode: JavaScript coding tutorials that enable students to make creative projects

Youth Design Challenge: Students design bio-inspired ideas to solve real-world problems

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